Fetch 4.0.3 Chomps Bugs
Fetch 4.0.3 Chomps Bugs — Jim Matthews of Fetch Softworks has released Fetch 4.0.3, a free update to his popular FTP client that fixes numerous bugs and provides improved compatibility with Mac OS X 10.2 Jaguar. Specific areas receiving improvement include AppleScript, SOCKS gateways, and Kerberos. Despite these modern improvements, Fetch remains compatible with all versions of the Mac OS back to System 7.0. Fetch 4.0.3 is free to registered users of version 3.0.3 and later; new copies cost $25, although free licenses are available to educational and charitable organizations. A 15-day trial version is a 1.2 MB download.
In an interesting move for software distributed on the Internet, Jim has also set up an affiliate program with online software sales service eSellerate, so if you were to register Fetch using the link below, TidBITS would earn a 10 percent commission. I haven’t noticed small software vendors using affiliate programs in the past, but such programs could be a useful tool for attracting additional sales. [ACE]
<http://store.eSellerate.net/a.asp?c=0_ SKU420897976_AFL0770764229>