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MacHack Stays Put in June

Despite Apple’s recent move of the Worldwide Developer Conference (WWDC) to June in San Francisco, a single day after the MacHack developers conference, the MacHack organizers have announced that MacHack will remain in its originally scheduled spot from 19-Jun-03 to 21-Jun-03 in Dearborn, MI. Although many MacHack attendees remain fiercely loyal to the grassroots conference, it’s almost certain that Apple’s move will hurt attendance. We still highly recommend MacHack; it offers the best combination of real-world information and industry networking we’ve seen, and we will definitely be attending (and presenting at) MacHack. Apple may be the 600-pound gorilla of this industry, but it would still be nice to see a little consideration of the effects of throwing that weight around, along with a little common courtesy (such as notifying the MacHack organizing committee in advance).

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