Palm Desktop 4.1 Released
Palm Desktop 4.1 Released — Palm has released Palm Desktop 4.1 for Macintosh. New in this version is a Send to Handheld application that enables you to add image or MP3 music files to a Palm OS device by dropping them onto the application’s icon. Send to Handheld can also copy files directly to SD (Secure Digital) cards installed in the Palm. Owners of Palm Tungsten T handhelds can play back MP3 files using the recently released RealOne Mobile Player, which is a free 350K download, or included with the new Palm Zire 71 (see "Palm Tungsten C and Zire 71 Add Intriguing Features" in TidBITS-678). Palm Desktop 4.1, which runs under either Mac OS X or Mac OS 9 (though Palm recommends you don’t synchronize the same handheld in both environments), also features improved, rewritten AppleScript support. The installer is a free 11.2 MB download. [JLC]
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