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FileMaker Releases Two FileMaker Applications

FileMaker is going in a new direction with its long-standing FileMaker Pro database software: in addition to developing the database applications themselves, the company will also sell FileMaker Applications, a series of task-specific programs developed using FileMaker Pro which – unlike most custom FileMaker solutions – are unlocked to enable customization and extension by FileMaker Pro developers. Although FileMaker Applications are designed to provide instant solutions to data management tasks often overlooked or poorly managed by organizations, by requiring FileMaker Pro 6 they’re also intended to spur upgrades and sales of the company’s primary database program.

The first two FileMaker Applications are Recruiter and Meetings.
Recruiter offers tools for managing contacts and candidate data so users can quickly figure out "who knows who" and "who worked with who," along with tools for managing background information, reporting on organizational structure, email tools, plus more common contact management and reporting capabilities. Meetings offers tools for developing agendas, tracking tasks and action items, sharing meeting minutes, and automating repetitive email. Both FileMaker Applications are available online from FileMaker’s online store and require FileMaker Pro 6 ($300) to run; Meetings costs $50, and Recruiter is priced at $300.

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