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ConceptDraw V Released

ConceptDraw V Released — CS Odessa has released ConceptDraw V, a major revision to their powerful business diagramming package (see "Make the Connection with ConceptDraw" in TidBITS-553 for a full review of an earlier version). New features include XML for Visio support (enabling document exchange with Microsoft Visio), a BASIC-compatible built-in scripting language, more-capable connectors, named styles, new shape collections, document preview in the Open dialog, automatic saving and recovery, database integration via the scripting language, and user authorization. CS Odessa also completely rewrote ConceptDraw’s graphics engine to provide anti-aliased text and WYSIWYG text editing. Finally, ConceptDraw V received a complete interface overhaul to add floating palettes and customizable toolbars, enhanced PowerPoint import/export, and support for more graphic file formats. ConceptDraw V Standard costs $150, with upgrades at $80. The Professional version costs $350 with $100 upgrades. [ACE]



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