Default Folder X 1.9.1: Upgrade Before Installing Panther!
St. Clair Software has published version 1.9.1 of their popular Open/Save utility, Default Folder X. In addition to being compatible with both Mac OS X 10.3 Panther and Mac OS X 10.2 Jaguar, Default Folder X 1.9.1 now tracks files opened directly from the Finder (not just through the Open dialog), and lists recent and favorite folders in a system-wide menu, in the Dock or menu bar; furthermore, Default Folder’s menus are now hierarchical. This is a free upgrade for existing users. (Default Folder X is $35 for new users, with a free 30-day trial.)
St. Clair warns that older versions of Default Folder X are not compatible with Panther. Existing Default Folder X users who upgrade to Panther over Jaguar (even using Archive and Install) won’t be able to launch any applications! If this happens to you, log out, then log in with the Shift key held down, then disable the older version (remove it from the Startup Items tab of the Accounts preference pane, and then log back in). Panther will then operate normally, and you can upgrade Default Folder X at leisure. Default Folder X 1.9.1 is a 3.7 MB download.