New Snapz Pro X 1.0.9 Works Better with Panther
New Snapz Pro X 1.0.9 Works Better with Panther — Ambrosia Software has released Snapz Pro X 1.0.9, improving compatibility with Panther (version 1.0.8 wasn’t working for me at all), and fixing a couple of bugs. Ambrosia also removed the Internet version checking feature for unspecified reasons. Snapz Pro X 1.0.9 is a free update for registered users; it’s a 4.4 MB download. Note that if you received Snapz Pro X for free with your Macintosh, the update is not free, presumably since Apple didn’t license future versions of Snapz Pro X. However, Ambrosia offers a discounted price of $20 (normally $50) for such people; use the second link below. [ACE]
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