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Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/19-Jan-04

Alternative word processors — It’s largely a Word world, but alternatives to Microsoft’s dominant word processor abound on the Mac – depending on what you need, of course. (36 messages)


The Musical Trojan Horse — So was Adam on target with his article about how the iPod and the iTunes Music Store are Apple’s Trojan Horse for introducing the Mac to an entirely new audience? (3 messages)


Recording from vinyl — Is it time to convert your LP records into bits (the digital kind, that is; a sledgehammer will do nicely otherwise)? Readers relate their experiences with various software and hardware solutions, and a musically inclined TidBITS technical editor teaches a short class in importing audio. (11 messages)


Unicode support — Many programs claim they "support Unicode," but how good and how extensive is that support? (5 messages)


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