iChat AV 2.1 Adds Videoconferencing with Windows
iChat AV 2.1 Adds Videoconferencing with Windows — If you’ve been wanting to participate in video or audio chats with Windows-using friends, last week’s release is what you’ve been waiting for. iChat AV 2.1 enables videoconferencing between you and a friend using AOL Instant Messenger 5.5 for Windows. Apple lists no other changes in the free update, which requires Mac OS X 10.3 or later running a Mac with at least a 600 MHz PowerPC G3 processor. (Mac OS X 10.2 Jaguar users remain locked at iChat AV 2.0, which costs $30.) The update is a 4.3 MB download and is available via Software Update or as a separate download. [ACE]
<http://www.apple.com/support/downloads/ ichatav.html>