Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/03-May-04
As before, the second URL below each thread description points to the discussion on our Web Crossing server, which will be much faster, though it doesn’t yet use our preferred design.
iTunes 4.5 — Readers pass on their opinions of the new release of iTunes. (3 messages)
Spam’s effect on overall email utility — Is the increasing level of spam threatening to make email useless? Our readers also look at Web-based alternatives, especially for company feedback mechanisms. (16 messages)
AirPort Extreme Base Station and Wireless Software Updates — In addition to the recent release of AirPort 3.4, Apple briefly released a pair of management tools but then removed the link. However, the tools are still publicly available. (2 messages)
Mac Anti-Virus Programs — Sparked by the recent news of a theoretical Mac virus, readers continue to discuss the usefulness of anti-virus software on the Mac. (30 messages)