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SyncDeK Synchronizes FileMaker Databases

SyncDeK Synchronizes FileMaker Databases — At the last Macworld Expo in San Francisco, I saw an interesting product called SyncDeK that offered a unique feature: field-level synchronization of the data within FileMaker databases even when the databases aren’t on the same network. SyncDeK accomplishes this through the clever use of standard Internet email to move data in XML format between databases. It’s an intriguing approach that will be useful for organizations with remote offices or travelling employees, or even loosely knit groups without any sort of centralized location that would benefit from shared databases. WorldSync has now released SyncDeK 5.0, supporting both FileMaker 6 and FileMaker 7 on both the Mac and Windows. Introductory prices range from $200 to $1,300, depending on what you need, and there’s also a SyncDeK Developer Kit for $500 that enables FileMaker developers to include synchronization capabilities in customized solutions. A demo is available by request. [ACE]




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