TidBITS Dutch Translation News
TidBITS Dutch Translation News — In our continuing push to switch services over to Web Crossing, we moved the TidBITS Dutch translation of TidBITS to a Web Crossing-based list last week. Thanks to the hard work of Sander Lam, Elmar Dueren, Hans van Helvert, and the rest of the volunteer Dutch translation team, the transition went smoothly. We’ll be moving the Dutch Web pages over soon too, and I hope to follow that with the lists and pages for our other translations. The Dutch team is also looking for new volunteers who would like to help translate TidBITS; see the pages linked below to learn more about what’s involved and how to join. [ACE]
<http://www.tidbits.com/tb-issues/lang/nl/ tidbits-nl/over-vertalen.html>