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SpamSieve 2.2 Improves Accuracy, Notification

SpamSieve 2.2 Improves Accuracy, Notification — Michael Tsai has released SpamSieve 2.2, the latest version of his award-winning anti-spam program for a number of common email clients (see "Tools We Use: SpamSieve" in TidBITS-667). SpamSieve 2.2 performs better message analysis, uses the Habeas Whitelist, and takes SpamAssassin’s tests into account when evaluating incoming messages. The program can notify you of new "good" mail by flashing a Griffin PowerMate or by playing sounds in your email program. SpamSieve’s Apple Mail plug-in now protects against Web bugs, colors messages according to their spam rating, and moves false positives back to the proper inbox. You can also use AppleScript to access SpamSieve’s corpus and rules, and it’s now possible for the blocklist and the whitelist to import addresses and match on more fields. For full details, see SpamSieve’s version history. SpamSieve 2.2 costs $25, although updates are free to registered users and there are $5 discount coupons in "Take Control of Spam with Apple Mail" and "Take Control of What’s New in Entourage 2004. [ACE]



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