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Security Update 2004-09-07 1.1 Fixes FTP & Safari

Just after we put this week’s issue to bed with a warning about Security Update 2004-09-07 1.0, Apple released Security Update 2004-09-07 version 1.1, which offers two important fixes. First, the update changes the Safari version number to provide compatibility with Web sites that improperly identified Safari as a different browser; Apple also offers advice on detecting Safari’s user-agent string and on object detection. The 1.1 version of the security update also fixes the installation of the FTP server to eliminate the user login problems, and in our testing this appears to be true. The 1.1 version of the security update ranges in size (depending on your version of Mac OS X) from 7.1 MB to 12.6 MB and is available via Software Update and Apple’s Software Downloads page. There are no other changes from the 1.0 version, but we can now recommend that everyone install it.

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