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SubEthaEdit 2.1.1 Released

SubEthaEdit 2.1.1 Released — Our favorite collaborative writing and programming tool, SubEthaEdit, just hit its 2.1.1 release. The newest version overcomes a frustrating difficulty in establishing color coding for particular editors and making that consistent over time. This revision also allows the creation of sets that can be imported and exported, supports editing in an Administrator mode, and enhances printing capabilities. It also includes a new Unix command line tool for interaction with SubEthaEdit via Terminal and an AppleScript interface for automating basic editing. Lastly, you can now also include what the developers call "collaboration metadata" when you print or export documents to HTML. Note that version 2.1 was released on 16-Nov-04; the 2.1.1 release followed a couple days later, which patched a security vulnerability and fixed minor glitches. SubEthaEdit 2.1.1 costs $35, and is available as a 2.9 MB download. [GF]


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