Mac OS X 10.3.8 Update Released
Mac OS X 10.3.8 Update Released — Apple has released Mac OS X 10.3.8, a minor bug-fix update to Mac OS X 10.3 Panther. Changes include faster DNS resolution that should enable certain Internet applications like iChat and Mail to open more quickly, more reliable restarting after power failures, fixes to DVD Player to improve compatibility and display performance in certain situations, a fix for PowerBook G4s that would wake from sleep with an unresponsive black screen, a change that may reduce "jumping cursor" problems on laptop trackpads, and theoretically more reliable fan operation on certain Power Mac G5s (although some MacFixIt readers report increased fan operation after the update). The problems addressed by 10.3.8 are sufficiently specific that if you haven’t run into them, updating is a relatively low priority; there’s no harm in waiting a few days and checking MacFixIt and MacInTouch to see if any widespread concerns have appeared. The update, which is available both via Software Update and as standalone downloads, is 28 MB for users of Mac OS X 10.3.7 and 103 MB for the combo update that can update any version of 10.3. [ACE]
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