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Server Moves Almost Complete

Server Moves Almost Complete — We were one-for-two with our server moves last week. I had specifically asked Chuck Goolsbee of digital.forest to move our main Xserve during the day so I could baby sit the shutdown and startup procedures (he was initially going to move it at what would have been 2:30 AM my time to reduce the impact of the downtime). That was the right call for my beauty sleep; there were no problems I had to fix, and since Chuck didn’t hit bad traffic or other problems, we were down for only about an hour.

On the other hand, Geoff Duncan’s move of our article database and search servers to his new digs was plagued by gremlins: the power supply on his main Web server failed (a solitary "click" is not the sound you want to hear when turning on a Mac), his dual-Ethernet-equipped Power Mac refused to bridge his internal and external networks for inexplicable reasons, and he couldn’t focus on the problems immediately because he had to move all his other worldly posessions the next day. Geoff’s subsequently brought up a Power Mac G3 (Blue & White) in place of his main Web server and bridged his networks using a Linksys router, but he’s still ironing out the wrinkles introduced by these hardware and software changes. So, you may see search errors, odd pages, and some sporadic link failures at, but things are quickly getting back to normal. [ACE]


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