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Timbuktu Pro 8.0 Finally Adds Encryption

Timbuktu Pro 8.0 Finally Adds Encryption — I’m not a nervous nelly, but it’s always bothered me that my Timbuktu Pro connections are being sent in the clear when I’m not using a virtual private network (VPN) connection. Finally, Timbuktu Pro 8, released last week, includes standard SSH (Secure Shell) support and even uses its built-in compression to enhance speed. SSH uses public-key encryption to exchange a one-time session key. As long as you know that the public key is valid – which needs to be established by what are called "out-of-band" methods of confirming a certificate’s identity – then you have something close to absolute assurance that no one can (currently) snoop your session.

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Timbuktu Pro 8 also uses Mac OS X accounts instead of requiring separate account management, has drag-and-drop file exchange from a remote shared window, allows push installations if SSH (the Remote Login checkbox in the Sharing preference pane) is turned on, and works with Rendezvous. A new single-user license costs $95, and a twin pack costs $180 (other pricing is available for multiple licenses); upgrades for current owners are 50 percent off the new license rate. [GF]

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