Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/21-Mar-05
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DRM to force repurchasing — Digital rights management (DRM) is intended to be a hindrance to illegal copying, but it also obstructs honest consumers’ capabilities to use the media they purchase legally. For example, when moving from one DVD encoding region to another (such as from the United States to Australia), you may need to repurchase DVDs that work in players of the new region. (6 messages)
A restricted musical future? When buying music from the iTunes Music Store (or any other online music service that employs DRM), will you be able to use those songs in the future? And will they be of sufficient quality? (26 messages)
In-house Radio Transmitters — One way to broadcast music throughout the house (aside from very large speakers, of course) is to connect a radio transmitter to your Mac, which can pass its signal along to any radio within range. Readers look at several options. (7 message)
Cloning old OS 9 disk with Panther upgrade — When upgrading an old PowerBook G3 to Mac OS X, what’s the best way of preserving Mac OS 9 as both a backup and a bootable volume? (8 messages)
Web Form Filling Software — Readers suggest options for storing Web form information, including built-in options of several Web browsers. (4 messages)
Turbo Tax problems — It’s tax time again in the United States, and that means wrangling with tax software. (1 message)
DNS on 10.3.8 Client edition for Dummies? A reader is looking for an easy-to-use guide for setting up domain name service on a home network. (1 message)