DealBITS Drawing: PDFpenPro Winners
DealBITS Drawing: PDFpenPro Winners — Congratulations to Kevin Wong of, Rick Jarnat of, and Ferd Diemer of, whose entries were chosen randomly in last week’s DealBITS drawing and who each received a copy of SmileOnMyMac’s PDFpenPro PDF editing utility, worth $94.95. Even if you didn’t win, you can save 10 percent off the purchase price of either PDFpen ($49.95 for those who don’t need to create PDF forms) or PDFpenPro using the URL below; this offer is open to all TidBITS readers. Thanks to the 746 people who entered, and extra thanks to the 54 people who entered after being referred to DealBITS. Note that there’s another DealBITS drawing this week, and remember that telling your friends, family, and colleagues about new drawings is a great way to increase your chances of receiving a prize. [ACE]
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