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Eudora 6.2.3 Fixes IMAP Bug

Eudora 6.2.3 Fixes IMAP Bug — Qualcomm has released Eudora 6.2.3, a free update designed largely to fix the annoying IMAP bug that could result in lost messages (see "Qualcomm Acknowledges Eudora Bug" in TidBITS-781). Along with that bug, the new version squashes a variety of other bugs, adds a few x-eudora-settings for esoteric needs, and adds a checkbox to send mail through the SMTP submission port (587) in the Sending Mail settings panel. Also worth noting is that Qualcomm has relaxed their approach to requiring payment for new Paid-mode updates 12 months after the last payment; until further notice, updates that change only the third digit (the 3 in 6.2.3) won’t trigger the need to pay for a new version even if more than 12 months have passed. Eudora 6.2.3 requires Mac OS X, is compatible with Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger, and is a 7.8 MB download. Finally, Qualcomm has announced that the next major version of Eudora will be a significant rewrite, which is necessary to take advantage of new technologies such as Spotlight and WebKit. [ACE]



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