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Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/27-Jun-05

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What IMAP server did Mac OS X Server 10.1-2 use? Who needs Google when you’ve got the TidBITS Talk brain trust? A query about IMAP servers leads to discussion of migrating email services. (8 messages)



Do inexpensive color laser printers exist? Printing problems lead a reader to ponder buying a color laser printer, while other people suggest tips for solving the issues. (42 messages)



What would an Apple tablet be like — A new portable tablet computer elicits thoughts on what Apple might produce if it decided to get into the tablet computing market. (1 message)



Fixing Snaps in a Snap — Readers react to Charles Maurer’s article on improving snapshots, suggesting other software and discussing the limits of the TIFF file format for use in adjusting photos. (3 messages)



Poker on the Mac — Jeff Carlson’s first article on poker software brings the closet poker players out of the woodwork and sheds light on the differences between playing against computer opponents and real people. (3 messages)



Steve Jobs’s Commencement Speech to Stanford — A reader provides a link to Jobs’s recent speech to college graduates. (1 message)



Cross Compiling with Intel — A reader inquires about the capability of Apple’s development tools to compile PowerPC code into Intel code as part of the upcoming transition to Intel-based Macs. (2 messages)



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