Adam Helps Launch MacNotables Podcast
Adam Helps Launch MacNotables Podcast — Podcasting is all the rage right now, and it’s something we’ve thought about doing in a variety of ways for TidBITS and Take Control. But the obstacles are huge – learning entirely new technologies and skills, coming up with interesting topics to talk about, and carving out time in our already overcommitted schedules on a regular basis. So when Chuck Joiner, who has tons of experience with The User Group Report, called to run an idea past me, I sort of ambushed him with a related idea – why not create a new podcast with a group of well-known Mac people who weren’t currently participating in the podcast space? In one fell swoop, the idea, now a reality as the MacNotables podcast, eliminated all the problems that had kept many of us out of the podcasting world. Chuck’s production, interviewing, and scheduling skills anchor the podcast, which features a veritable who’s who of panelists, including Chris Breen of, Bryan Chaffin of The Mac Observer, Jim Dalrymple of MacCentral and, Tonya and me representing TidBITS, Andy Ihnatko of the Chicago Sun-Times, Ted Landau, Bob LeVitus of the Houston Chronicle, and Dennis Sellers of Macsimum News. The first few episodes have been panel discussions: the first one focused on Apple’s financials and speculation about last week’s announcements, while the second covered Apple’s new products. So give us a listen, and stay tuned for more notable episodes. Use the second link below to subscribe via iTunes; the MacNotables home page has links for general RSS subscription and direct listening. [ACE]
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