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Encoding Video for iPod

Encoding Video for iPod — Since the release of the new video-enabled iPod, a few noteworthy articles have appeared about getting video content onto the device. iLounge looks at the options for encoding video for the new video iPod: "iPod-Ready Videos? Not So Fast, and Not So Clear." QuickTime 7.0.3 adds an export option to QuickTime (and therefore, to applications such as iMovie) to encode video for iPod, but you don’t get to customize its settings. Jeremy Horowitz performed a bunch of tests to see how long it takes to encode, and what the quality of the results was. Also, Jonathan Seff at Playlist shares his experiences encoding content, including ripping DVDs using HandBrake. I watched a few movies on a weekend train trip from Seattle to Portland and back, and found the experience surprisingly good. [JLC]

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