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iTunes, iPhoto, and Front Row Updated

iTunes, iPhoto, and Front Row Updated — Apple last week released iTunes 6.0.4 and iPhoto 6.0.2 to address minor problems with Front Row, Apple’s media-center interface software for playing music, photos, and videos on the iMac, MacBook Pro, and just-released Intel-based Mac mini. Unsurprisingly, they were accompanied by an update to Front Row 1.2.1, which claims to improve compatibility with iTunes and iPhoto sharing. The new version of iTunes reportedly fixes stability- and performance-related problems to Front Row, and the iPhoto update resolves problems related to playing shared slideshows in Front Row. iTunes 6.0.4 is an 18.7 MB download via Software Update, iPhoto Update 6.0.2 is a 13.7 MB download, and Front Row 1.2.1 is a 5.5 MB download. Given the specific nature of these changes, I’d suggest that anyone not using Front Row could skip these updates or at least put them off until convenient. [ACE]

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