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Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/20-Mar-06

The first link for each thread description points to the traditional TidBITS Talk interface; the second link points to the same discussion on our Web Crossing server, which provides a different look and which may be faster.

Comments on A Switcher’s Tale — Readers respond to last week’s article, including the need for using a Windows environment and the ongoing debate about Apple’s historic insistence on single-button mice. (8 messages)



Flash vs. iPod — A reader who keeps his Eudora email files stored on an iPod (and mounts it on whatever computer he’s using at the time) shares his experience attempting to switch over to flash memory. (1 message)



Intel-based Macs and virtual Windows — Robert Movin’s article from last week mentioned the possibility of running Windows on an Intel Mac, but other readers want to know about emulating Windows within the Mac environment instead of creating a dual-boot scenario. (5 messages)



Hacked by a font? After installing a new font, a reader’s Mac goes haywire, suggesting a problem with the font cache. (2 messages)



Recommend a Mac-compatible GSM Cell Phone for North America? TidBITS Talk travelers are looking for opinions on Mac-compatible cell phones. (1 message)



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