Fox TV Shows Hit iTunes
Fox TV Shows Hit iTunes — In the largest single network debut to date, Apple has added another passel of television programming to its iTunes Music Store, this time from Fox Entertainment. The 16 new shows available via iTunes include current series 24, Prison Break, and fX Network’s The Shield; Whedon-verse favorites Firefly and Buffy the Vampire Slayer; reality shows 30 Days and Unan1mous, and shows from Fox’s SPEED and FUEL TV outlets including Pinks and the First Hand sports diary. As always, episodes are available in an advertising-free format for $2 apiece and may be viewed on a computer or on a video-capable iPod; some discounts are available for purchasing (or gifting) entire seasons.
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Fox’s move to put television episodes on iTunes comes just a few weeks after the network announced a revenue-sharing agreement with its network affiliate stations. Although terms of the agreement haven’t been published, the Wall Street Journal reported it enables Fox to make 60 percent of its prime time lineup available via the Internet the morning after the shows air, with stations receiving a 12.5 percent cut of the earnings after costs. [GD]