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Take Control News/29-May-06

The Advice You Need to Run Windows on Your Mac — Macintosh users have been able to run (or at least walk) Windows on their Macs for a long time now, thanks to products like Virtual PC. But now that software like Boot Camp and Parallels Desktop has appeared for Intel-based Macs, the Mac community is abuzz with questions about how these new options work, the best choices for different situations, and how to avoid pesky problems that can crop up when installing Windows on a Mac.

Joe Kissell, author of "Take Control of Upgrading to Tiger," has come to the rescue with "Take Control of Running Windows on a Mac." In this 104-page ebook, Joe examines why you might want to use your Mac to run Windows, helps you pick the best option for running Windows in your situation, and gives detailed, real-world advice on how to install Boot Camp, Parallels Desktop, and Q on an Intel-based Mac.

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Once you’ve completed the installation, the ebook explains how to overcome common problems such as getting your mice and keyboards working properly, sharing files across platforms, and correcting a confusing error that appears on some Mac minis. Joe also covers how to make a slipstream installer disc (if needed, for a Boot Camp installation) and how to protect your Windows installation from viruses and malware. An appendix summarizes options for running Windows on PowerPC Macs.

The ebook includes a limited-time coupon worth $10 off the purchase price of Parallels Desktop (Joe’s recommended program for most situations), making the ebook free if you also purchase Parallels Desktop!

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