Take Control News/26-Jun-06
Running Windows on a Mac Ebook Updated to Version 1.0.2 — Keeping up with the latest techniques for running Windows on an Intel-based Mac can be challenging, but Joe Kissell makes it easy with the latest update to "Take Control of Running Windows on a Mac." Version 1.0.2 of the ebook covers the much-anticipated 1.0 release of Parallels Desktop and adds information about using Parallels Compressor to compact a virtual disk. (You might also be interested in reading the TidBITS review of Parallels Desktop.)
If you own an earlier version of the ebook, click the Check for Updates button on the first page of the PDF to access your free update. Page 4 of the ebook lists the important changes and provides links to the new content.
<http://www.takecontrolbooks.com/windows-on- mac.html?14@@!pt=TRK-0034-TB835-TCNEWS>