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Mark/Space Sponsoring TidBITS

Mark/Space Sponsoring TidBITS — We’re pleased to welcome our latest long-term sponsor, the synchronization experts at Mark/Space, Inc. Mark/Space has been around as long as TidBITS, both having been founded in 1990, and for as long as I can remember, I’ve made a point of stopping by their trade show booths to say hello to Brian Hall, Mark/Space’s president and CEO, and to see the latest cool handheld device he had managed to connect to the Mac. Although Mark/Space still sells several Palm OS programs, the company has recently focused most of its attention on The Missing Sync, connectivity software for syncing Macs with a variety of handheld gadgets, including Palm OS devices, Windows Mobile handhelds and smartphones, and Sony PlayStation Portables (PSP). With the ever-evolving capabilities of these devices, The Missing Sync has kept pace, such that it can now sync (as appropriate to the device): contacts, events, notes, documents, photographs, music, and even movies. I was particularly surprised to see the announcement of The Missing Sync for Sony PSP, since I hadn’t quite realized just how capable and flexible the PSP is. Mark/Space also just announced the acquisition of MySync from MildMannered Industries, a synchronization program that can sync any data type that’s compatible with Apple’s Sync Services in Tiger, with automatic detection of other Macs on your network via Bonjour. MySync is still in public beta, but it looks extremely useful, particularly for people who don’t subscribe to .Mac and thus can’t sync with .Mac as an intermediary. Thanks to Mark/Space for the support of TidBITS and of the Mac community! [ACE]



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