At, our friend Chuck Goolsbee has an insightful article looking into five common fallacies of what's called "cloud computing." (One of the fallacies is that it's something new.) Chuck knows what he's talking about, so if you're interested in or worried about cloud computing, read his article.
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I surely wish the linked article didn't require jumping through the registration hoops - or did I just miss an obvious workaround? Anyway, this expresses much of what has been bothering me since app hosting first appeared at my workplace. Thanks.
Yeah, I'm sorry about that too. is quite annoying that way - on the first click, they presented an interstitial ad, and on the second time I tried to load the article, it wanted me to register.
Really heavy-handed...
I was kinda interested, but bailing was easier than registering. The last thing I need is yet another unknown site collecting my personal information so they can spam me.
EC2 does not use "excess capacity" It never has.
When Chuck first posted a link to this article on his blog on 2 Dec, I was able to read it without registration. They must move stuff behind the "paywall" after a couple of days.