Reset iOS Clock App Alarms after Daylight Saving Time Change
There’s a bug in iOS 4.1 that causes repeating alarms in the Clock app to trigger an hour later than they should shortly before and after the daylight saving time change. Apple says the bug is fixed in the forthcoming iOS 4.2, but in the meantime, you can fix your alarms by deselecting all days in the repeat interval, saving, and then resetting the alarms for the days you need them.
What I find puzzling is that my alarms seem to work. So, is this problem for every iphone or are there circumstances under which this problem doesn't materialize? I have found Apple's handling of this problem to be confusing and various blogs do not clarify the issue for me at all.
Apple hasn't clarified exactly what the scenario has to be, so perhaps you fall outside the problem set. In general, it was with repeating alarms only.
For us here in Australia, this bug hit first weekend in October when we went to daylight saving for summer. I had a repeater alarm set up for weekdays to wake me to go to work. The bug was widely reported in the media (any excuse to bash Apple) and people worked out pretty quickly how to work around it - as Adam suggests, each day of the week, or in my case, for a 6am alarm, to set it to 7am. If you're going from Summer back to winter it will be the other way around. The bug has also appeared in Europe.