The Quiet, Lovely Photographs of Joseph O. Holmes
Joseph O. Holmes has been a lawyer and a Mac journalist, and he appeared earlier this year with Adam and other notable Mac figures at a Macworld Expo panel called “Holmes Brothers Live.” Joe now makes his living as a professional fine art photographer, and in this article at Rob Galbraith’s Digital Photography Insights site, he talks about his inspiration and creative process.
Hi, Jeff!
Ha! Now our comments have turned into Facebook walls. Hi Joe! :)
Thanks for the shout out, Jeff.
Hey, it was great to see you again at Macworld after all these years (and I'm enjoying your Flickr shots).
And talking to the Macworld crowd was great — very knowledgeable group.
Great piece about an inspiring photographer - thanks - and a great example of what a good tool the D700 is - yes I have one and Joe's work is great to see.