Can a MacBook Pro run one Thunderbolt Display or two? How about a MacBook Air? A Mac mini? An iMac? The answers vary per model, as Macworld’s James Galbraith explains in this review of Apple’s new Thunderbolt Display.
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I don't know if it is relevant, but there are at least two Apple Thunderbolt Displays: I bought one in July and it came with a Thunderbolt, USB and Magsafe cables but it only has three USB ports, no Thuderbolt or Firewire ports.
I don't exactly know how to check this (poke around in System Profiler), but I strongly suspect what you have there is an LED Cinema Display which has USB ports but not FireWire or Thunderbolt.
I can find no indication anywhere that there are multiple Thunderbolt Display models out there.
Perhaps it was mis-boxed?