New York Times Explains Chinese Advantage for Apple
The New York Times has a clever feature article explaining why Apple (and other firms) manufacture in China for a host of reasons, of which low wages may be a relatively small part. The ability to hire a massive number of trained people nearly instantly is one factor, regardless of how well those people are treated by the contractors Apple employs. For instance, Americans typically won’t live in dormitories and work six 12-hour days in a row, which is commonplace in China and other developing nations.
"Americans typically won’t live in dormitories and work six 12-hour days in a row.."
We once did just that in this country. Some soldier's still do. But typically these days, no. Bigger question is, how will this massive Chinese labor force evolve?
Chinese workers have already successfully pushed for substantial increases in wages in many industries, and there are even shortages of workers. If you raise the standard of living enough, people learn that they should only accept better, not just pine for it.
Seems the natural progression. Wonder if our great grandkids will be trying to emigrate to China?