Free Copy of Snow Leopard for Leopard-Using MobileMe Holdouts
Thanks to Macgasm for pointing out that Apple is now giving away free DVD copies of Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard to MobileMe users still running on 10.5 Leopard. This is to aid those users in making the jump to 10.7 Lion (which must still be purchased from the Mac App Store for $29.99) and thus iCloud before MobileMe’s 30 June 2012 shutoff date. Of course, a copy of Snow Leopard won’t help those still using PowerPC-based Macs, which can’t upgrade past Leopard, but if you’ve simply been dragging your feet, this is a nice enticement to make the switch.
This "offer" sounds nice, but doesn't help me. I have Snow Leopard and MobileMe, which means to fully use iCloud I should get Lion before June 30th. To get to that point I have to finally migrate stuff that still uses Rosetta. And when does Mountain Lion appear? I'll wager it isn't before June 30th. I will be mightily cheesed off if Mountain Lion comes out on July 1st.
Yup, you're already one generation ahead of the people Apple is trying to entice with this offer.