Why the iCloud Transition Is Like a Home Renovation
Master of analogies Andy Ihnatko draws the parallels between a developer “just” switching from MobileMe to iCloud and renovating a home — as anyone who has done this knows, as soon as you start, it’s a cascade of decisions that result in more work and expense, not to mention a game of “Mother, May I?” with the authorities.
iCloud is not for me, I don't use it for anything. Instead I use Dropbox, Fruux and several other apps over which I have complete control to accomplish things the way I want them accomplished. If I can buy an app direct from its developer, I always do, even if its available at the MAS. It's very unlikely from what I've heard so far that I'll be upgrading to the next system, I'll stick to Lion, sync my iPod Touch and iPad from iTunes and leave it at that.