Watch TidBITS Presents “Upgrading to and Using Mountain Lion”
Our second TidBITS Presents event on 1 August 2012 was once again a success, with over 200 TidBITS members and owners of “Take Control of Upgrading to Mountain Lion” and “Take Control of Using Mountain Lion” joining us live via Google Hangouts On Air. Joe and Matt shared key details from their books and answered numerous questions from the audience for over 2 hours.
Although we limited participation in the live event to TidBITS members and people who had purchased Joe’s and Matt’s ebooks as a way of thanking them for their support, the recorded version is available to everyone via the TidBITS Presents page or YouTube, where over 1300 more people have watched already.
We were doubly disappointed on the iOS front this time, since an update to the Google+ iOS app promised Hangout compatibility, but it turned out that said compatibility didn’t extend to the public Hangouts On Air. And then the trick we figured out for watching the live YouTube stream in Safari on iOS worked during our dry run but simply wasn’t available during the actual presentation. We’ll keep investigating what’s involved with iOS. Nevertheless, you can watch the YouTube version via iOS now, or stream it to your big screen connected to an Apple TV.
Please do leave us comments (at the bottom of this article, in the Google+ post, or on YouTube) about the presentation, in terms of content, presentation style, length, technical experience, and so on. We’re talking about doing more live online events, and we’re curious about what you might like to see from us.
Thanks for watching, and we hope you find the content useful!
First, thanks for an outstanding vid with Joe & Matt!
My concern is a dialog on my wife's MBP which I only recently upgraded to 10.7/Lion when she got an iPad a few days ago. I didn't notice that the default install of Lion sets the Documents & Data to use iCloud! If I UNcheck that, I get a warning that the shared files will be DELETED from her Mac! Of course, they will remain in her iCloud account.
That's 180° from what we want! I want to 1) Stop stuff being saved to iCloud and 2) prevent anything from being DELETED from her MBP.
Since this is Lion not Mountain Lion, there is no ~/Library/Mobile Documents/ path to anything! I suspect that what was 'saved to iCloud' were a few emails but there could be more! I have no idea how to determine what those files are and where they might be... on her Lion OS! HELP!!! :eek:
It's hard to know exactly what it might be referring to, but I suspect it's a generic dialog that isn't contextually aware of whether or not there actually is any data stored on iCloud or not. I'd recommend verifying that nothing is likely in iCloud (log in and look in the iWork area), making sure you have a good backup, and then turning off iCloud despite the dire-sounding dialog.
(Email isn't one of the things stored in Documents & Data, as far as I'm aware - it's instead things like Pages documents.)