Apple’s iOS Apps Consume Significant Device Space
Apple still insists on offering 16 GB iOS devices, but as Kirk McElhearn discovered, that doesn’t give you much room to work with. To start, a 16 GB device with iOS 8 installed offers only 12.73 GB of free space out of the box. But if you then install Apple’s optional apps (as prompted by iOS), you end up with only a little over 8 GB for space for your own apps and media. As McElhearn points out, Apple’s apps are huge – iMovie chews up 613 MB and GarageBand requires 594 MB.
this is one reason why I have not and will not buy into the IOS closed garden. it is bad enough tha t Apple insists that chess, game center, stc are crucial to the OSX operating system, but at least I can get around that limitation and get rid of them. ti seems like Apple doesn't believe that you actuallyown the equipment you payed{too much?} for