Verizon Communications Inc. is purchasing AOL Inc. for approximately $4.4 billion. In addition to AOL’s surprisingly robust dial-up Internet business (2.3. million active subscribers), AOL also owns a number of high-profile blogs, such as The Huffington Post, TechCrunch, and Engadget.
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Don't forget AOL also owns TUAW. Oh, wait…
Well, I've been an AOL member for over 26 years (if you count the 10 months it was known as AppleLink-Personal Edition or "AL-PE"). I started in January 1989 with the then Apple II only AL-PE. My AOL email address is what I consider my permanent email, though I do have my and local ISP addresses.
Will Verizon kill off the AOL email addresses? Since there is no way to set up automatic forwarding when you change email that will be a major problem especially since I've also used my AOL address for all iTunes Store purchases from the beginning.