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Apple Has Fixed the “No Longer Shared” Bug

If you recently tried to launch an app on your iPhone or iPad and received an error that said “This app is no longer shared with you,” you are not alone. Apple told TechCrunch that it was a bug on its end related to Family Sharing. Also, if you saw numerous apps updating recently, that was due to the fix Apple deployed. There’s nothing you need to do, but if you were wondering what had happened, now you know.

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Comments About Apple Has Fixed the “No Longer Shared” Bug

Notable Replies

  1. Not fixed. Just updated to 13.5.1 on my iPhone 11 Pro Max and still getting this error when trying to open PCalc.

  2. Hi, James Thomson here - author of PCalc. Just wanted to check what you’re seeing. If you re-download a copy of PCalc from the store, does it still happen? You can export your settings from the app at the bottom of the settings section, before deleting it, and re-import afterwards. Thanks!

  3. Another option (reported to work) is to offload the app and re-download. Offloading removes the app, but preserves its data.

    To offload an application:

    • Settings -> General -> Storage
    • Select the app you want to offload
    • Tap Offload App

    Once offloaded, the app’s icon will have a cloud icon next to the title. Tap the icon to re-download and install it.

  4. Yeah, offloading the app and re-adding it has always fixed the issue, if nothing else, temporarily. Thats not really a fix, its a work around, if Apple had actually fixed the issue, it wouldn’t be happening.

  5. Apple fixed that issue for everyone else that I read about by re-submitting apps that were updated to the App Store. It was only app updates that were posted after a specific date. I check reddit daily and nobody has posted this as an issue since that fix was done. It sounds like you’re having some other issue at this point.

  6. In the last week or so my Apple Watch has been nagging with the message “Sign in to complete purchase”. I tried a range of things to stop it and eventually found tips here:

    In brief, I needed to delete several apps from my iPhone that can also be installed on the Apple Watch and download them to the iPhone again. Bizarrely this was irrespective of whether they had been installed on my watch - they just need to be listed in the iOS Watch app as “Available Apps”.

    It seems to be associated with the “No longer shared” bug. [Maybe this should be a new topic?]

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