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The Most Twisted (Pair) Adapter Cable You’ve Ever Seen

The Will It Work? channel on YouTube has a new video that’s, well, just plain nuts. The goal is to transfer a few photos from an SD card to an old iPod photo. But to connect several unrelated clichés in the spirit of the video, the journey is the reward, and it’s a long and winding road, thanks to a wide variety of adapter cables. Well worth a few minutes of your time.

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Comments About The Most Twisted (Pair) Adapter Cable You’ve Ever Seen

Notable Replies

  1. And I thought I had too much time on MY hands. PLEASE hide this video from Apple engineers!!!

  2. Why did he stop? Did he not have an attic? I do NOT recommend running cable (Cat 6) in the attic at this time of year, at least in the Northern Hemisphere, as I did last week so my Grand could get a better than WiFi signal… :sweat: :crazy_face:

  3. …aaaaand YouTube still can’t play back a 5 minute video, stopping at 2:35 and churning for 10 minutes. Still haven’t seen the rest.

  4. That’s an odd problem. Have you tried a different Web browser? What about on a different device, if you have others?

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