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Help TidBITS Evolve in 2023 by Becoming a Member

Now that we’ve entered the home stretch of the year, many readers will be receiving TidBITS membership renewal notices in email. If you’re among them, thanks in advance for renewing—we rely on your continued support! If you have trouble, contact Lauri Reinhardt at [email protected] for help. Since TidBITS memberships run on a rolling annual basis, if you don’t get a renewal reminder, it’s likely because you joined at some other time of year. You can check your membership expiration date on your account page; if it’s blank, your membership automatically renews.

Normally, this is where I’d explain the importance of the TidBITS membership program in paying for Josh Centers and regular contributors like Agen Schmitz, Glenn Fleishman, Julio Ojeda-Zapata, and Michael Cohen, along with Web hosting, email distribution, and ongoing maintenance. Most of that is still true, but things are a bit different this year, as you read in “Josh Centers: So Long and Thanks for All the Fish” (14 November 2022).

Josh’s leaving was very much a mutual decision because we both found ourselves looking for a way to get off the news treadmill. For him, that was a new job; for me, it’s the opportunity to experiment with new approaches to content and infrastructure.

To step back briefly, my goal with TidBITS is to help you, the person behind the personal computer, use technology more effectively. When I collaborate with non-technical people, I’m often distressed at how inefficiently they work, their weak tech skills, and their lack of an understanding of how technology intersects with the world. TidBITS will never reach those people, and I can guide only a few personally, but if the tens of thousands of TidBITS readers can help those around them with their technology, the world will become a better place.

So I’m looking for new ways beyond our traditional articles to help you learn and retain more, both to aid you directly in your work and in the hope that you’ll be able to leverage that information and knowledge to raise the overall level of tech fluency of those near you. I honestly don’t know what these initiatives will look like yet, but I’m pondering possibilities that increase information stickiness by being more interactive and engaging. And frankly, I want what we create to be more fun, both for me to make and for you to consume.

All this is by way of explaining why the TidBITS membership program remains essential for funding our operations. The necessary software and development effort won’t be cheap, and additional resources may be required for production and hosting. More prosaically, without Josh, I’ll be doing more writing and will need to farm out more editing to other TidBITS regulars.

So if you aren’t yet part of the TidBITS membership program, would you consider joining the more than 3600 readers who help keep TidBITS running and growing?

A TidBITS membership comes with a few special perks:

  • Discounts of 15% to 50% on 90+ Mac products worth over $1100
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Be sure to scroll through our Membership Benefits page, which lists all the Mac apps on which members receive discounts. You’ll find essential apps we use and recommend, like 1Password, Audio Hijack, ChronoSync, Default Folder X, DEVONthink, Keyboard Maestro, KeyCue, LaunchBar, Nisus Writer Pro, PopChar X, Scrivener, SpamSieve, TextExpander, and more. (Contact me if you’d like to add your company’s product to the list.)

TidBITS Membership benefits examples

You can choose from different levels of support—$20, $50, $100, or $1000—or set your own monthly or yearly amount. There’s also a Boost TidBITS button at the bottom of that page if you want to use PayPal or make an extra out-of-cycle donation. The membership perks are the same at each level, with one exception: the $1000 TidBITS Angel level is a lifetime membership that includes dinner with Tonya and me if you’re in Ithaca or we’re in your city. Special thanks to those who joined at the TidBITS Angel level in 2022!

So if you find TidBITS content valuable, want to support our efforts going forward, or have received personal help from one of us simply because you asked, please become a TidBITS member. You’ll have our undying gratitude and can bask in the good feeling that every article you read in 2023 was made possible in part by your generosity. Thank you!

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Comments About Help TidBITS Evolve in 2023 by Becoming a Member

Notable Replies

  1. I am TidBITS member because: I learn much from the members of the global TidBITS community; I have my problems solved or canvassed by members the the TidBITS community; I make purchases based on information provided by TidBITS members; I benefit from the links provided in issues of TidBITS; and above all, I feel like I am a member of this TidBITS community.

    So thanks to Adam, Josh and the TidBITS team for curating this rather wonderful community and such ready resources.

    Now it is good to do a naval-gazing exercise from time to time, but the way TidBITS operates now suits me just fine. The TidBITS emails come in to my inbox and I look at the TidBITS emails in my time and pace and I have time to investigate anything further.

    I have to participate in these ‘interactive’ schemes for work and they are time consuming and usually come with some technical or log-on issues for the nth time. So Adam I don’t want to dampen your creative intentions, but maybe what you have created is just right. From your post, maybe there are matters of time commitment, etc that makes the current production process unsatisfactory and I accept those as reasons for change.

  2. I think the way you crowdsourced and catalogued information about Quicken alternatives several years ago could be a model for you.

    Right now, alternatives to LastPass is something that many of us are trying to evaluate. But, each of us is doing it alone. It would be very valuable to read a survey of TidBITS readers to get their opinion on password managers.

    I think other topics, e.g., email client software and internet service providers, and other recurring or popular subjects on TidBITS Talk, also lend themselves to crowdsourcing.

    Just my 2¢

  3. Whoops! Started this reply and lost track of it…

    We’ve actually heard this before too, and it’s gratifying. But…

    More the problem is that I really like building system and learning new apps and skills. I need to do something new to stay interested. The actual process of producing TidBITS is pretty streamlined—we’ve been working on it for decades and our last website upgrade was designed in part to eliminate remaining bits of friction.

    But don’t worry, if you aren’t interested in whatever I come up with, it’s unlikely to change the experience of reading TidBITS much.

    Yeah, we did a few articles along those lines, and while they were a lot of work, the results were extremely useful. And lots of people are looking for new password managers because of 1Password 8’s changes and LastPass’s breach. So I’ll look into an article about that soon, though it’s not something I want to do more generally since it often turns into a vast amount of nit-picky work.

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