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Brady Johnson

Brady Johnson

Brady Johnson is a Seattle-area Mac user who loves any excuse to open the Mac and poke around. (June 2006)

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QuickerTek Extends Laptop Range

I'm one of those people who considers Internet access to be a basic function of any computer. My laptop is not always near my home network, but the AirPort card is advertised work only with a 150-foot (50m) range, and I often find myself farther from a network than that

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Can CAN-SPAM Can Spam?

Talk about deja vu. I recall having written this introduction for a TidBITS article about spam before, each time changing the unhappy statistics about spam volumes in an upward direction

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When Spam Is Outlawed, Only Outlaws Will Spam

Spam is known to the law as "unsolicited commercial electronic mail," or UCE, and is usually defined as email in which someone is trying to sell someone else a product or service, or otherwise part recipients from their money

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Computer Crime 101: Nothing New Under the Sun

People began committing crimes with personal computers soon after the machines started rolling off assembly lines. Early crimes, such as those involving hacking into mainframes, viruses, and fraud, haven't disappeared; however, recent computer crimes noted in the media concern issues like sexual predators, credit card theft, child pornography, and scams

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Brady Johnson writes to announce a new product that might be of interest: DayDoubler is a new product from Connectrix that gives you those extra hours in each day that we've been asking for

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Software Licensing: Reality Check

[Yes, Brady is a lawyer, and doesn't just play one on the nets. Note that the discussion below applies in the U.S. and may vary in your part of the world