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Chris Johnson

Chris Johnson

Chris Johnson No comments

Texas Mac Software Archive

Chris Johnson writes: The Office of Telecommunication Services (OTS) of the University of Texas System now supports an archive site for Macintosh freeware and shareware, which can be accessed with both FTP and the World-Wide Web. The archives are maintained by Chris Johnson, former and long-time administrator of the University of Texas at Austin Computation Center's Macintosh archive, microlib/mac, and creator of its WWW interface [And an extremely nice one it is, too

Chris Johnson No comments

Gatekeeper 1.2.7

Gatekeeper 1.2.7 is a set of Macintosh system extensions (INITs) and related control panels (cdevs) that, when active (i.e. allowed to install themselves during the boot process), offer protection against attacks by all viruses known to the author at the time of this release. Gatekeeper also monitors computer activities for what are considered to be suspicious 'events' or 'operations,' in an attempt to intercept what could be variants of known viruses or even completely new viruses. Since its initial release in January of 1989, Gatekeeper has repeatedly demonstrated its ability to stop the spread of viruses which were unknown during its design

Chris Johnson No comments

Gatekeeper Message

Users of Gatekeeper 1.2.6 will soon receive a warning stating that 1.2.6 is out of date and should be replaced with a more recent version. This warning appears automatically when modern versions of Gatekeeper exceed six months in age and is intended to prevent people from unwittingly depending on obsolete versions of the program which may no longer offer effective or safe protection from viruses