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Dan Kohn

Dan Kohn

Dan Kohn is a General Partner with Skymoon Ventures. His writings are announced through <[email protected]> and can be discussed through <[email protected]>. (Oct-2001)

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Steal This Essay 4: Are We Just Rationalizing Theft?

"Information is the currency of democracy." - Thomas Jefferson At least since the U.S. Constitution explicitly granted Congress the power to protect copyright, an intellectual foundation has been built up regarding intellectual property

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Steal This Essay 3: How to Finance Content Creation

"If consultants had been hired to evaluate the market for printing a decade or two after its invention, they would have concluded that the new technology was vastly overrated

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Steal This Essay 2: Why Encryption Doesn’t Help

"Doveriai no proveriai." (Trust but verify.) - Russian proverb, as quoted by Ronald Reagan Even as content becomes a public good, content creators (or at least the publishing and recording industries that claim to represent them) have been led to believe that encryption can protect their revenue streams

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Steal This Essay 1: Content Is a Pure Public Good

Steal this essay, or, why these sorts of essays represent the future of all publishing. Hint: I'm not getting paid for them. "Freedom of the press belongs to those who own one." - A.J