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Jeff Carlson

Jeff Carlson

Jeff Carlson is an author, photographer, and freelance writer. Among many other projects, he publishes the Smarter Image newsletter, which explores how computational photography, AI, and machine learning are fundamentally changing the art and science of photography. He’s covered the personal technology field from Macs and PalmPilots to iPhones and mirrorless cameras, publishing in paper magazines, printed books, ebooks, and websites. He’s also the co-host of the podcasts PhotoActive and Photocombobulate, and has spoken at several conferences and events. He lives in Seattle, where, yes, it is just as gray and wet and coffee-infused as you think it is.

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Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0a

Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0a -- Although I use a variety of browsers to view and test Web sites, I'm using Microsoft's Internet Explorer with increasing regularity

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Tied Down No More: The Ricochet Wireless Modem

I'm a big fan of "cafe computing." I don't mean going to a cybercafe, where the coffee-stained hardware is already there and waiting, or a trendy coffee mega-chain where an open laptop advertises pseudo-geek chic

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Newton News

Newton News -- In the wake of Apple's latest reorganization and cost-cutting measures, several news sources reported that Apple might ditch its Newton division

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Responses to a Macworld Newbie

Tuesday was a good email day. After running "Impressions of a Macworld Newbie" article in TidBITS-362 (my first TidBITS article), I received a steady stream of comments and words of welcome from readers around the world. In particular, several people commented on my advice that new attendees refrain from picking up every freebie in sight, and others reacted to my mention of Steve Jobs's "Reality Distortion Field." Suzanne Courteau writes: First, I left my press bag at my office

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Apple Online Technical Support

Apple Online Technical Support -- Apple recently revamped their online support Web pages, creating an electronic help system that doesn't require its own tech support

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Impressions of a Macworld Newbie

When I began working at my current office (an informal co-op of computer consultants and authors with a sign outside that reads "Galactic Headquarters"), I came from a desktop publishing job where I was both the "Macintosh guy" and the "PageMaker guy." I thought I knew a thing or two until I met these folks, who quite literally know nearly everything about PageMaker, QuarkXPress, Photoshop, FreeHand, and more - they can even write their own PostScript code if necessary

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Fourth Down, $100 Million To Go

Fourth Down, $100 Million To Go -- Following a surprise $25 million profit during its last fiscal quarter, Apple said it expects a loss of between $100 to $150 million for the first fiscal quarter ending 27-Dec-96

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Good News in the Face of Apple’s "Death?"

Good News in the Face of Apple's "Death?" Reading this year's reports of Apple's imminent demise seems to have devolved from serious reporting to tabloid headlining ("Gil Amelio Taps Martians for System 8 Secrets!")

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Netscape Sleep Plug-In

Jeff Carlson writes: In an effort to preserve its market share by prolonging the lives of its users, Netscape today released a Sleep plug-in for use in Netscape Navigator