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Kevin Savetz

Kevin Savetz

Kevin Savetz is a freelance computer journalist specializing in the Internet and Macintosh. (May 2001)

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V.92 Picks Up Speed

Back in TidBITS-580, I wrote an article about V.92, then a new analog modem standard that was just starting to appear on store shelves. A year and a half later, V.92 isn't exactly a household word, but it can make your Internet connection faster and more pleasant. If you use an analog modem to get on the Internet, you need all the speed you can get

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V.92 Modems: Will Dial-Up Access Get Faster?

A new breed of modems - referred to by the decidedly forgettable moniker of V.92 - is appearing on computer store shelves. They promise to add convenient features and squeeze every last ounce of speed from analog telephone lines

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Elementary, My Dear Sherlock

If your Mac isn't yet running Mac OS 8.5, you may decide Sherlock is reason enough to upgrade. While the earlier Find File utility looked only for files on your hard disk, Apple's new built-in sleuth adds Web searching to its repertoire of skills

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Move Over MTV, Now There’s MP3

My foray into the world of MP3 music began not online, but while staring at the TV. A particular car commercial was airing for the hundredth time that night, featuring an infectious little song based on a tune called 88 Lines about 44 Women

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A Free Program for Control Freaks

[Editor's note: This article was updated 18-Nov-2007 to remove URLs that were out of date and directed users to inappropriate sites. For the latest on VNC and remote control software, consult TidBITS articles on Apple Remote Desktop, Timbuktu Pro,, and Leopard's Screen Sharing and Back to My Mac.] I walked into my office and was flabbergasted