Kevin van Haaren
Kevin van Haaren works for a large corporation primarily supporting Windows computers, with the occasional Mac call thrown in to make the week more interesting. This has prepared him well for the job of herding his two cats. (July 2007)
When illness struck Kevin van Haaren’s father, Glassboard provided the private social network that kept Kevin’s family updated with vital information, regardless of their geographic location or which computing platform they used.
Everyone's talking about Apple's tablet Mac, so why should any solid information stop us from participating in the wild speculation? Kevin van Haaren reports what he's heard from his elaborate network of spies.
Have you considered abandoning your PDA for an iPod touch? After much soul searching and factor weighing, Kevin van Haaren decided to do just that. Here's a look at why he made the change, and how the iPod touch stacks up against his former PDAs.
What's a Chumby, and do you want one in your life? Kevin van Haaren explains what's behind (and inside) the new beanbag computer, and expresses frustration at its reliance on Flash in favor of JavaScript.
After my PowerBook G4's CPU destroyed itself, I replaced it with a much cheaper, but less portable, Mac mini in my living room. When I made this change my wireless network became just a way to bridge the computers in my home office with the computers in the living room
It has been possible to run Windows in virtual machines on Macs for many years. However, with the recent switch to Intel chips and the beta releases of Apple's Boot Camp and Parallels Workstation for Mac OS X, interest among Mac users in running Windows has expanded significantly
Recent articles in TidBITS and discussions in TidBITS Talk have mentioned virtual private network (VPN) technologies. VPNs are usually brought up as a tool for securing communications across insecure networks