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Matt Neuburg

Matt Neuburg

Matt Neuburg has been writing for TidBITS since 1991, concentrating on issues surrounding word processing, databases and text organization programs, scripting and innovative programming systems, and a variety of utilities. He has written some popular freeware programs, such as MemoryStick and NotLight. He has created the online documentation for a number of applications, such as Script Debugger and Opal. He has written books about programming Frontier, REALbasic, and AppleScript, and is the author of various Take Control ebooks.

Matt Neuburg 28 comments

Freeware Coolness Crushes iCal Shortcoming

How Matt Neuburg's reluctance to switch to iCal was overcome with the help of some really cool free software.

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A Weird and Wasteful Ad Campaign From Extensis

So you think you want to be a software reviewer? If you knew the stuff we had to put up with sometimes, you might change your mind.

Matt Neuburg 8 comments

Apps and Docs in iOS

A brief meditation on the mysteries of why it's so hard to know what will happen when you try to open a document on an iOS device.

Matt Neuburg 82 comments

What is Fast App Switching?

In which we learn how multitasking on an iPhone 4 is just like how a scientist takes a trip to Jupiter. Or something.

Matt Neuburg 3 comments

Witch 3.5 Knows Window Switchcraft

If you have a bazillion windows open on your Mac's screen, a simple utility, Witch from Many Tricks, may be the window-switcher you've been missing.

Matt Neuburg 10 comments

Transcribe Recordings With MacSpeech Scribe

Remember those movies where the boss records into a dictaphone for the secretary to transcribe later? Using MacSpeech Scribe is like that, except the dictaphone is a digital recorder and the secretary is your computer (and you're probably not sporting a three-piece suit and a pencil mustache).

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First Day Impressions of the iPad on MacJury, Part Two

The madness continues as Matt Neuburg and other sleep-deprived zombies rattle on with Chuck Joiner about the first-day iPad experience.

Matt Neuburg 5 comments

Google Groups on the Fritz

When you're as pervasive as Google, even a slight glitch can be a nightmare for users and for your public image. That's the case with a Google Groups problem that has surfaced recently.

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First Day Impressions of the iPad on MacJury

Matt Neuburg joins Chuck Joiner and a roundtable of other new iPad owners for a wide range of initial perspectives on the first-day iPad experience.

Matt Neuburg 19 comments

The iPad: A Developer’s Anti-Contrarian View

The iPad is here, but what will be its future? The world may or may not rush to buy it, but I think developers will rush to program for it.

Matt Neuburg 1 comment

Panorama 6 Preview

Goes Intel-native; adds automatic crash recovery and easy revert-to-saved, along with heavily revamped user interface. ($299, $139.95 upgrade, 51.6 MB)

Matt Neuburg 15 comments

Things, a Nimble, Flexible To-Do List Application

Things, from Cultured Code, is a to-do list manager. It's simple and easy, but can implement a sophisticated Getting Things Done regimen if you want it to.

Matt Neuburg 16 comments

Transferring Vinyl LPs to Digital: One Approach

So you have a collection of LPs and you wish you could listen to them in iTunes or on your iPod? Or you'd just like to preserve the music in digital format so you can listen without a needle touching the vinyl? Here's one user's inexpensive, speedy approach.

Matt Neuburg 9 comments

EagleFiler Turns a Finder Folder Into a Snippet Keeper

Got miscellaneous data to search for? You've organized your files into folders and you still can't find the right one? Let EagleFiler add searching, tagging, and annotation. Problem solved.

Matt Neuburg No comments

Macintosh Past and Future With Jim Rea

Jim Rea's ProVUE Panorama was one of the first ready-to-market applications when the Macintosh premiered in 1984, and it's still going strong. Hear and see Jim reminiscing at Macworld Expo about those early days, with some hints about the upcoming Panorama 6, in this short pair of YouTube videos from TUAW. It's just like having lunch with Jim, but without the food!